Spanish-to-go! method…
“If memory can be defined as a collection of experiences -usually repeated; there's yet 1 all powerful element to learning. That element triggers learning through THE STRENGTHS of the student!. That all powerful element of learning is: the will to learn! “
Prof. Leticia Ortiz de Huber
WELCOME TO the SPANISH-to-GO!® METHOD of learning,
based on your STRENGTHS to learn a language!.
As humanity has always experienced in the first three to five years of our lives,
when we flawlessly acquire our Mother Tongue,
linguistic sciences nowadays have proved that the NATURAL WAY that allows for that life-long acquisition of a language, involves just a few invariable precepts.
Although such few precepts seem SIMPLE, through human history, they have demonstrated to be a method with a history of TOTAL EFFICIENCY in learning a language!
Mrs. Leticia Ortiz de Huber has observed that those few Principles coincide with your STRENGTHS in learning a language, and has successfully developed her method, as to offer YOU easier, faster learning!
These few Principles can be summarized as:
Now we know that MEMORY is basic in learning a language, and we know that MEMORY is REPETITIVE, for it needs to accumulate data. Science confirms we take new words, only little by little as to deliver them from our short-term memory, into our permanent -or long-term- memory for permanent retrieval. But, WHAT triggers MEMORY to act?... Linguist Leticia Ortiz de Huber embraces this question and goes one subtle step further with her method SPANISH-to-GO!, where she successfully explores THE ONE element, prior to MEMORY. That basic element that is indispensable, and which TRIGGERS MEMORY: The Will to Recall.
Principle of Expectation
Or… Would you repeat that, please?
Our complex human brains have a certain inherent engineering that needs our brains to expect correctly the next thing that comes their way. Whether it is a word, or an action, only anticipating correctly, the brain can act correctly. This is so “natural” that we take it for granted, although it actually involves much complexity in the brain. It’s amazing that every time we see, hear or experience something more than once, the brain grows new neuro-connections that expand it!
Focused Vocabulary
If you are buying a plane ticket, knowing the pertinent vocabulary will be focused, efficient and satisfactory. The vocabulary your brain wants to learn and anticipate, is the minimum, adequate and limited to the subject in question. No geophysics, no botanical vocabularies would be welcome then!. SPANISH-to-GO! deliberately focuses only on the select conversational vocabulary that will allow your brain the opportunity to internalize every new piece of vocabulary and culture, before moving ahead. Once this foundation is well built, any new addition of words and phrases is welcome, easy, and natural, because now your brain has a clear framework to which such words and phrases can naturally attach.
Every new item introduced in your SPANISH-to-GO!® conversational course is offered to you within the context of a series of useful conversations. This is because that context helps your learning and retention in many ways, from allowing your brain to automatically integrate intonation, rhythm, melody, and pronunciation, to embedding prompts that help your memory… When you need a word, it simply is there for you!