In Just A Few Productive, Fun-Filled Weeks, You Will Be So Proficient And Confident Speaking Basic/Intermediate Spanish That You Will Feel Comfortable Traveling To a Spanish-Speaking Country. Yes!
The GOALS For Your 4 Clusters Of SPANISH-To-GO! Lessons Are For You To Be Able To:
Spanish With A Beginning/Intermediate Vocabulary, for you to increase your ability to connect, understand and speak with persons of many other countries and cultures
To achieve your goals, you need only 2 things:
(1) Time
3 (or 4!) fun clusters of fifteen minutes of dedicated study daily…
(2) joyful commitment
The commitment to talk in Spanish, to yourself, friends online, etc. You can also dictate things to your cell phone in Spanish! Get creative! and enJOY the experience!)
Talk and have fun
- find joy in learning to speak a new language to anyone…
Your pet, for instance! ;)
to a member of your family, a friend, a new friend on line, another student are all great people to talk to!